I am reminded just how imperfect I am but also how God requires me to bring that imperfect nature to Him with an humble heart and spirit. He is able to mold and shape us when we recognize our frailness and honor His greatness. Handing ourselves totally over to the Great Potter can only produce a work of completeness and strength.
Trying to navigate this life without His guidance would be like setting off on a self-decided journey without a destination. In that lost state, any road will take you there. Whereas in the Christian journey, the destination is clear - eternal life in a place of love and peace. The road we travel will make the difference in the molding and shaping we go through. Will we take the narrow way as described in Matthew 7:14, "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it"? (NIV) Or will we take the wide road which is full and populated with those who seek to mold and shape themselves unwilling to completely yield to the Great Potter's wheel?